Another Curve Ball Thrown My Way

This year has been a very trying one for me and last week just made it a whole lot tougher: I was laid off from…


This year has been a very trying one for me and last week just made it a whole lot tougher: I was laid off from my job of 12 years.

I’m still having a hard time wrapping my head around everything but my #1 goal for now is to spend all of my time finding a new job. A lot has changed since I was last searching for a job and from what I gather the majority of it takes place online and is also very time consuming. So because of this I am stepping away from this blog, hopefully for just a month or two, until I can get myself and everything pulled back together.

Prayers and happy thoughts are much appreciated!

I will still be updating my Etsy shop with new destashed items. Be sure to check back in a couple of weeks for more yarn, scrapbook items, and even a few vintage/retro items.

Have a fun and safe rest of the summer. Be back with new posts (and hopefully a new job) this fall!