Pottery Barn inspired living room

I just love Polyvore. Of course, I have issues putting my little picture collages together, here comes my OCD again. I need to have everything…

I just love Polyvore. Of course, I have issues putting my little picture collages together, here comes my OCD again. I need to have everything in its exact place, so it is a challenge. But, I got over it and put together the look of my living room, or at least what I am going for.

If you click on the “Pottery Barn inspired living room” link above, you will get to see exactly what everything costs. Super expensive. I especially love the brown blanket from Crate and Barrel for $170!!! I really love my $6.00 Ross blankets now!

I do wish I could afford the Pottery Barn sofa though, but I’d hate to bring something that pretty and expensive into the house with the girls. They would have it shredded in a matter of minutes. That is why slipcovers are the way to go!


  1. I drool over pottery barn tables mostly, the great rustic looking ones with the bench seats or the really elegant ones. Depending on what type of fantasy life I'm living.

  2. I drool over pottery barn tables mostly, the great rustic looking ones with the bench seats or the really elegant ones. Depending on what type of fantasy life I'm living.

  3. That's a nice looking collection.

    I hear ya on the nice sofa and slip covers! I had two kids who were awfully hard on furniture. Our sofa is 26 years old now – good bones, really well made. Had it reupholstered once, then went with slipcovers! Life has never been better 😉

  4. That's a nice looking collection.

    I hear ya on the nice sofa and slip covers! I had two kids who were awfully hard on furniture. Our sofa is 26 years old now – good bones, really well made. Had it reupholstered once, then went with slipcovers! Life has never been better 😉

  5. yep, I told my husband I would know we had 'arrived' when we could afford a room from Pottery Barn…..ain't happened yet! That being said, I wouldn't trade my kids for a nice collection either!

    haha….my 'secret word' is is EXCLOWN…….how did they know? LOL!

  6. yep, I told my husband I would know we had 'arrived' when we could afford a room from Pottery Barn…..ain't happened yet! That being said, I wouldn't trade my kids for a nice collection either!

    haha….my 'secret word' is is EXCLOWN…….how did they know? LOL!

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