It’s La Push, Baby. . . La Push! – Granny Along Pattern

Thanks to my newly purchased Showtime channel, I have had the opportunity of seeing Twilight a few times now. The first time I watched it…

Thanks to my newly purchased Showtime channel, I have had the opportunity of seeing Twilight a few times now. The first time I watched it I was not too thrilled with it, but the more I watch it it gets better and better with every viewing.
I am also picking up new things every time I watch it, most importantly the plethora of knit and crocheted items the characters wear. I can’t believe it took me three viewings before I finally noticed that in the La Push beach scene, Angela is wrapped up in an awesome granny square blanket.

Photo courtesy of Summit Entertainment
Since the new Twilight movie, Eclipse, is hitting theaters on June 30 (the day our granny along finishes), I thought it would be fitting for us to crochet Angela’s blanket. It would have been fun to crochet Bella’s hat too, but I am absolutely terrible at making hats. Hence, my doily/hat!
If you would like to crochet Angela’s blanket with me and are a member of Ravelry, check out Amanda Lewis’s La Push Blanket pattern. It is a replica of the one from the movie and is a free Ravelry download. Yay for free patterns!!!
If you are not a member of Ravelry and want to crochet the La Push blanket, why not join? It is free! Just visit, choose a username, and you are on your way. I am not sure if there is still a waiting period to join. When I signed up, it took a few days before I was added to the site. That was over a year ago, so it might not be the case anymore.
If you would prefer to not join Ravelry or have found a better granny square blanket you’d like to crochet, by all means go for it! Just make sure that the size of your lapghan/blanket is 20 granny squares, or more if you want to thoroughly impress me!
I am going to stick with Angela’s blanket’s original colors, white and green. I have a TON of white cat hair covered yarn that I’ve been dying to use, but not too much green. I think I’ll have to pick up a skein or two this weekend. I’ll be sure to post the supply list next week, or you can always cheat and download the pattern early. 🙂
Amanda Lewis’s pattern gives us two sizes that we can crochet: a lapghan and a twin blanket. We will be crocheting the lapghan instead of the full size blanket, because 20 squares is plenty for me!
Though the lapghan will be a little smaller than the one in Twilight, it will be the perfect size to use while watching TV, or better yet, to take to the cold theatre when you see Eclipse!


  1. I have so far resisted watching and getting wrapped up in Twilight. Don't get me wrong – I love vampire/werewolf/etc movies. But I had enough teen angst while raising my kids 😉

    Off to ravelry to check out the pattern!

    Thanks for organizing us.

  2. I have so far resisted watching and getting wrapped up in Twilight. Don't get me wrong – I love vampire/werewolf/etc movies. But I had enough teen angst while raising my kids 😉

    Off to ravelry to check out the pattern!

    Thanks for organizing us.

  3. I thought the movie was pretty horrible yet that hasn't stopped me from wanting to watch it multiple times. Subliminal messaging? Hmmmm. Haha!

    I was given a ton of yarn recently so I might be brave and try this! Off to sign up for Ravelry.

  4. I thought the movie was pretty horrible yet that hasn't stopped me from wanting to watch it multiple times. Subliminal messaging? Hmmmm. Haha!

    I was given a ton of yarn recently so I might be brave and try this! Off to sign up for Ravelry.

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