Happy April Fool’s Day, Not!

I’m not a fan of April Fool’s Day. I don’t like pranks or people messing around with me. So I choose to celebrate today instead as….


I’m not a fan of April Fool’s Day. I don’t like pranks or people messing around with me. So I choose to celebrate today instead as. . .

The first day of baseball season!

My poor pathetic Pittsburgh Pirates (how is that for some alliteration for you) will hopefully start their climb out of the baseball cellar this year. A lot of baseball analysts are saying so. Let’s hope they are right.

Every year I watch Major League and think happy thoughts about a terrible team beating their rivals and making it into the playoffs. Poor Charlie Sheen. He used to be so great, now he is just a hot mess. 🙁

Maybe this will be our year? If not, let us at least not be last!


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