Quotation Mark Wall Art

This was a really simple project, though a little time consuming. But it was worth it, because it came out super cute. While surfing through…


This was a really simple project, though a little time consuming. But it was worth it, because it came out super cute.

While surfing through Pinterest I came across this awesome project from LiveLoveDIY. While it was adorable, I really wanted something different than an ampersand. I immediately thought of quotation marks. So, I headed right to the craft store to gather my supplies.

The best thing about this project, in addition to it being awesome, is it is pretty inexpensive.

What you’ll need
8 x 10″ white art canvas (two)
Gold thumbtacks (two packs, around 600)
Quotation mark template

Art canvas can be pretty pricey, but keep an eye out for a two pack or a coupon. I got mine as a two pack with a 50% off Michaels coupon. Score! The gold thumbtacks were a little hard to find, but I got mine at the Dollar Store for a dollar a pack. I wasn’t sure how many I’d need, so I picked up 5 packs. I went a little overboard. In the end, I think I used about a pack and a half.

The first thing I did was search the web for some quotation mark clip art. You can find free clip art everywhere, so just pick the one that looks good to you. I chose one similar to this one. I then enlarged it to fit on an 8 x 10 piece of paper and traced the quotation marks with a pencil.

Once I had the template traced, I placed the piece of paper on top of the canvas and started outlining the template using the thumbtacks making sure I poked them all the way through the canvas. I then took the thumbtacks and paper off leaving the poked holes. It is a little hard to see, but those are all of my poked holes.

I reinserted the thumbtacks into the poked holes and then worked my way inside of each quotation mark until they were completely full of gold thumbtacks.

Perfect! You can display them anywhere you’re heart desires. I hung mine up on the wall in my living room.

So there you have it! Your very own set of quotation mark wall art. Enjoy!!!