This blog is a personal blog written and edited by Melissa at Crafting with Cat Hair. All opinions are mine and mine alone.
I will always give you my honest opinion about any product I use, and any products or compensation received will never influence my blog posts, topics, or content.
All artwork, designs, patterns, and downloads are copyright of Melissa at Crafting with Cat Hair unless otherwise stated.
You may NOT sell my patterns or claim them as your own. You may NOT translate my free patterns to sell.
You may NOT sell items made from my free patterns or downloads. They are for personal use only.
If you wish to share any of my tutorials, mention my work, or repost a photo of my craft you MUST provide credit to Crafting with Cat Hair with a link back to the original post on this website.
Crafting with Cat Hair contains affiliate links and is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program and ShareaSale.
For example, if you click a link and purchase a product or service, I may receive some form of compensation at no additional cost to yourself. This compensation will go back into my Crafting with Cat Hair fund, so I can continue to maintain this site and its helpful craft content.
I only share products and services that I personally use and love.
For questions, feel free to contact me via my contact page link.