Blog Mission Statement

For over a week my internet connection has been spotty, to say the least. My neighborhood is getting AT&T Fiber, which is great but has…


For over a week my internet connection has been spotty, to say the least. My neighborhood is getting AT&T Fiber, which is great but has been causing some grumbling from all of my neighbors. You don’t realize just how much you rely on the internet until it is gone.

It is nice to unplug for awhile, but it did make me finish my A-Z Challenge a bit early. I decided to end on the letter “S” instead of trying to type posts on my phone. I don’t have a really fancy cell phone, so trying to type a blog post from it just wasn’t an option. I did have fun and hope you enjoyed traveling back to the ’80s. I am a bit behind finalizing my summer ’80s craft-a-long, so stay tuned for all of the info later this month.

Being unplugged for a week allowed me time to do some things I’ve been putting off for awhile. One is organizing my home. I have a long way to go there, but at least I’ve started. The other is streamlining this blog. I am super happy that I’ve finally come up with a blog mission statement that will help me focus on certain topics to post about. So, here it is. . .

Blog Mission Statement
 “to inspire your creativity by providing ideas, tutorials, and resources to help you in
creating heartfelt handmade projects without spending a ton of money.”
Super simple, right?! 
I am working on some new posts using this mission statement, including next week’s Part 1 of How to Blog without Breaking the Bank. I am also working on putting all of my older posts into archive, once I figure out how to do that on Blogger. 

I have also updated my about page. There I have posted the new mission statement as well as some info about my craft background and how my blog came to be. 

I am feeling good about the direction of my blog . It is finally starting to look like what I envisioned it being!


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