One more to go

I finally finished my sister’s brown and teal pillow last night. Whew, I really busted my bum on this gift. It turned out to be…

I finally finished my sister’s brown and teal pillow last night. Whew, I really busted my bum on this gift. It turned out to be a little more time consuming than I thought. But, here it is, all crocheted and stuffed.

I wish I had either used a lighter teal or lighter brown; the colors look so dark to me. These are the colors she requested though, so I guess it will be okay.

Now I am down to only one handmade Christmas present to finish, but this one is a doozy! My grandmother’s lapghan is only in the beginning stages and it is due in two weeks, yikes! I guess you know what I’ll be spending the next two weeks working on. 🙂

Don’t forget to take a peek at the ’80s craft ideas link to get ready for the ’80s craft-a-long. I’ll be posting links to some other ’80s related crafts from now until the craft-a-long begins. (I have a really cool one for tomorrow!)

I have also been working on some ’80s craft tutorials as well as some fun ’80s trivia and games. In all of my web searching, I found the coolest online crossword puzzle site that I am having so much fun with. Sometimes the internet is pretty cool!

One more to go

I finally finished my sister’s brown and teal pillow last night. Whew, I really busted my bum on this gift. It turned out to be…

I finally finished my sister’s brown and teal pillow last night. Whew, I really busted my bum on this gift. It turned out to be a little more time consuming than I thought. But, here it is, all crocheted and stuffed.

I wish I had either used a lighter teal or lighter brown; the colors look so dark to me. These are the colors she requested though, so I guess it will be okay.

Now I am down to only one handmade Christmas present to finish, but this one is a doozy! My grandmother’s lapghan is only in the beginning stages and it is due in two weeks, yikes! I guess you know what I’ll be spending the next two weeks working on. 🙂

Don’t forget to take a peek at the ’80s craft ideas link to get ready for the ’80s craft-a-long. I’ll be posting links to some other ’80s related crafts from now until the craft-a-long begins. (I have a really cool one for tomorrow!)

I have also been working on some ’80s craft tutorials as well as some fun ’80s trivia and games. In all of my web searching, I found the coolest online crossword puzzle site that I am having so much fun with. Sometimes the internet is pretty cool!