Martha Stewart’s Cupcake Book

Oh, how I love Martha Stewart, and her cupcakes are so clever! I just got a 15% off coupon from B&N the other day, so…


Oh, how I love Martha Stewart, and her cupcakes are so clever! I just got a 15% off coupon from B&N the other day, so I just might have to splurge and buy myself her new book

Martha Stewart Living has been offering plenty of cupcake recipes in preparation for the book’s release. Here are a few that are so cool I have got to try:

            Shark & Beach Cupcakes             Corn on the Cob Cupcakes

Aren’t the corn on the cob ones awesome? Do you see the melted butter on top? It is a yellow Starburst! And little zucchini bread cupcakes. Why didn’t I think of that?


  1. Martha's cupcake book looks adorable (of course!). If you love creative cupcakes, you should also check out a fun book called 'Hello, Cupcake' by Alan Richardson. I gave a copy to my sister and we oohd and aahd over every page!

  2. Martha's cupcake book looks adorable (of course!). If you love creative cupcakes, you should also check out a fun book called 'Hello, Cupcake' by Alan Richardson. I gave a copy to my sister and we oohd and aahd over every page!

  3. Newcomer to your blog. I like! Where did you get the name Drusilla for your kitty?? I love it. There's a great character from Buffy named Dru – I was hoping that was the inspiration for the name. =)

    And those cupcakes are darling! I love Martha…

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Martha Stewart’s Cupcake Book

Oh, how I love Martha Stewart, and her cupcakes are so clever! I just got a 15% off coupon from B&N the other day, so…


Oh, how I love Martha Stewart, and her cupcakes are so clever! I just got a 15% off coupon from B&N the other day, so I just might have to splurge and buy myself her new book

Martha Stewart Living has been offering plenty of cupcake recipes in preparation for the book’s release. Here are a few that are so cool I have got to try:

            Shark & Beach Cupcakes             Corn on the Cob Cupcakes

Aren’t the corn on the cob ones awesome? Do you see the melted butter on top? It is a yellow Starburst! And little zucchini bread cupcakes. Why didn’t I think of that?