Cleaning Out My Stash, Saving Myself Some Cash Challenge

I’m really not sure why, but this year is draining my wallet dry. Actually, I think I do know why. I have had several unexpected…


I’m really not sure why, but this year is draining my wallet dry. Actually, I think I do know why. I have had several unexpected events occur this year that have required mucho dinero! But my girls and I will plug along, we always do.

Last night, while I was working on my Christmas stockings, I realized I needed a dozen or more red pompoms. I immediately took out a little notebook, which I have in every room, to add the pompoms to my AC Moore shopping list. Later on in the evening I realized I needed to get something out of one of my plastic bins in my craft room. Lo and behold I found a package of colored beads, including 12 red ones. So being the thrifty crafter that I am (not really), I used the red beads instead of the red pompoms. Yay!
After I got over how awesome it was that I saved myself $1.00 worth of pompoms, I started thinking: How long could I actually go without buying any craft supplies? My first thought was about two weeks. I make a quick trip to my local AC Moore about every other week, primarily for felt squares. I go so often the people know me and ask what project I’m working on now. Pretty sad!
So, this is my challenge: Cleaning Out My Stash, Saving Myself Some Cash. I want to see exactly how long I can go without making a trip to my local AC Moore, Michaels, or Joann Fabric stores to buy any craft supplies.
This isn’t going to be easy. I have to craft my Halloween and Christmas crafts, Etsy shop items, and Christmas presents all with the supplies I currently own. Yikes! But I think I’m up to the challenge. I mean look at what I did with my red beads. 🙂
My hope is that this little challenge will not only help my pocketbook, but it will also get me to clean out my craft room in the process.
I’ve added a little widget to my sidebar to show my progress. I’ve included the number of days I have stayed away from the craft stores and any money I have saved using my own supplies.
Here I go!

Update: I decided to count backwards to the last day I bought craft supplies, which was this past Saturday. That will add on a few extra days and make me feel a little better. 🙂


  1. what a fantastic idea! I have a feeling you'll last to (at least) 100 days!! good luck … will be back to check up on your progress!!

  2. what a fantastic idea! I have a feeling you'll last to (at least) 100 days!! good luck … will be back to check up on your progress!!

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