Popping in to say hi!

I’ve been really enjoying my month away from blogging, but had to pop in to say hi! After having a really nice birthday with my…


I’ve been really enjoying my month away from blogging, but had to pop in to say hi!

After having a really nice birthday with my mom, she came to visit me, Daphne developed a minor eye infection (on her paralyzed side). Taking her to the vet was quite the ordeal, she hyperventilated the entire trip in the car. She is doing a lot better now, though she really does not like me putting ointment in her eye. 
Drusilla has been a great older sister by sleeping next to Daphne at night and keeping her well cared for during the day. 
I’ve been keeping myself busy by working hard on some brand new items for my shop. I have a new category or two in the works too. I hope to have many new items ready by next week. 
I also made some changes to the look of the Missie Zee blog. I fooled around with my Paint Shop Pro last weekend while I was taking care of Daphne and came up with a new banner. It is plain, but I like it. I might start making a few changes around this blog too (nothing too major), I still haven’t decided yet. So, if things start to look crazy around here that is why.
Unfortunately, I haven’t been keeping up with my challenge, though I still have yet to buy anything at a craft store. That will be changing this weekend. I have several items I need to get, so I have to bite the bullet and go. At least I lasted a little over a month, right?
As far as the remainder of the month goes, I’ve got plenty to keep me busy: my fantasy football draft, a new CAL, finishing up items for shop. . . I’m also working on the football pincushion tutorial, so look for that in early September. 
I hope everyone enjoys the rest of the summer. Fall is almost here, Yay! 

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