Destash-Along stash

Welcome all challengers, destashers, and new followers! I am so glad so many of you have joined in on the destash-along. It seems that destashing…

Welcome all challengers, destashers, and new followers! I am so glad so many of you have joined in on the destash-along. It seems that destashing is something we all need to do.

For those of you who do not have a blog, no need to worry. I’ve had a few friends say they are joining in on the fun but don’t have a blog. Just leave me a comment or send me an email that you want to join. I’ll add your name, or whatever name you’d like to be called, to the list of challengers.

I’ve also started a Flickr group so everyone can post pictures of their destash-along projects. I figure this will be a great place for those without blogs to get to show off their finished projects. It will also be easy for me to choose a few pictures each month to showcase on my blog.

Okay, so I don’t know about you, but I’ve tried to narrow down the main item that I really need to destash. I came up with two: felt and yarn. My felt isn’t too out of control, so I have decided to start by focusing on my yarn. Here is the main reason why. . .

We have a family friend who’s daughter is a huge crocheter. Unfortunately, she is no longer able to crochet, which is so sad. The family didn’t want to throw away her yarn stash, so guess who inherited it? Me! Last week, I received two gigantic boxes full of brand new yarn. And, according to my mom who is currently housing the stash, there are several other boxes of yarn waiting to be picked up. I guess I’ll be making a trip home soon to get the rest of the yarn. 🙂

Well, here it is! My “old” yarn stash along with the brand “new” yarn stash. The “old” is color coordinated, the “new” is just shoved into empty spaces. 🙂

Whew! That is a lot of yarn. Daphne thought so too. She wanted a better look at all the fiber goodness.

I put my thinking cap on and, as far as projects go, I have a few ideas in addition to my ripple afghan, which has yet to be started. But, I am at a loss with the striped yarn. Any ideas? It is Sugar n’ Cream cotton yarn so I am thinking maybe of wash cloths. I guess I better make a trip to the Lily website to see what free patterns they offer.


  1. WOW, WOW, and more WOWs! Your yarn stash is now tremendous! I too have started with yarn, but small projects, pair of baby booties, almost finished and a hat for me. Also going to make my own gift box for the booties from scrapbook materials. Next is my fabric stash! Will post photos on Flickr account when finished. Wonderful idea:)

    Happy Destashing!
    Christine 😀

  2. WOW, WOW, and more WOWs! Your yarn stash is now tremendous! I too have started with yarn, but small projects, pair of baby booties, almost finished and a hat for me. Also going to make my own gift box for the booties from scrapbook materials. Next is my fabric stash! Will post photos on Flickr account when finished. Wonderful idea:)

    Happy Destashing!
    Christine 😀

  3. Hi Missie:
    The mint green sweater I'm working on right now if from my project stash. I posted a photo on my blog (Jan. 10) showing what it looked like the day I started. I've already finished the back and will tackle the front next. The sleeves are giving me a little grief. I'll keep you posted.

  4. WOW was also my reaction. Not just WOW there is a lot but also WOW it looks so pretty! 🙂
    And you're getting more. You either need more cubbies or you really need to get crocheting, haha. Hmm might I suggest a fluffy cat bed? 🙂

    I got a craft store gift card for Christmas and what did I buy? Storage. How sad is that?

  5. WOW was also my reaction. Not just WOW there is a lot but also WOW it looks so pretty! 🙂
    And you're getting more. You either need more cubbies or you really need to get crocheting, haha. Hmm might I suggest a fluffy cat bed? 🙂

    I got a craft store gift card for Christmas and what did I buy? Storage. How sad is that?

  6. Make washcloths, washcloths, please, oh please. I'll buy!!! Seriously. Been wanting to make some, but that would mean buying yarn to add to my crazy fabric and just about everything else stash.

    Hint, Hint;-)

  7. Make washcloths, please, oh please. I'll buy, seriously. Been wanting to make some, but that would mean going into a store that also includes FABRIC. And I am on a fabric buying diet.

    Is that a strong enough hint? 😉


  8. Make washcloths, please, oh please. I'll buy, seriously. Been wanting to make some, but that would mean going into a store that also includes FABRIC. And I am on a fabric buying diet.

    Is that a strong enough hint? 😉


  9. OH WOW!! You are one lucky crafter!! If a lot of it is cotton, I have a really neat knitted dishcloth pattern that creates a fun texture/pattern. You can also sign up on Ravelry and register your "stash" and label it according to what you are using, what you have in your stash or what you are willing to sell/trade. There's one way to possibly shrink it down and make a little money.

  10. I decided earlier today to use up my stash too. Then I found your blog. So glad I'm not alone in this. It'll be great to see what others come up with.


  11. I decided earlier today to use up my stash too. Then I found your blog. So glad I'm not alone in this. It'll be great to see what others come up with.


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