“Out with the old in with the new” Destash-Along

Now that the new year is upon us it is time to go full throttle into 2010. “Out with the old in with the new”!…

Now that the new year is upon us it is time to go full throttle into 2010. “Out with the old in with the new”! I have adopted this as my saying for 2010. I’m going to forget about everything that happened last year and focus on the great year this is going to be.

Employing the attitude of my new favorite saying, I have come up with a perfect year long craft-along.

Beginning today and running until December 31, I will be hosting (and partaking in) a destash-along. The goal is super simple: to use as much of your current craft stash as possible by the end of the year. That is it!

If you would like to join in, just leave me a comment or send me an email that you will be participating. I’ll add a link to your blog on my sidebar under Destash-Along Challengers. Maybe you want to knit a sweater with yarn you got for Christmas or maybe make a necklace with some left over beads. As long as a portion of the project was made with a craft product you already own it is good for the destash-along!

I have already decided on my first project. I will be crocheting a rippled afghan with yarn from my stash. I am hoping I can crochet it using 100% of my yarn, but I’ll have to see how much yarn I’ll actually be using once I start the project.

Feel free to tell all of your friends about the destash-along and/or put my button on your blog.


I hope this craft-along will not only be fun but will help free up some space in our homes. Plus, it doesn’t hurt that it will save us all a little money in the process too!
*edited 1/22/10*
Feel free to join the destash-along at any time. We’ll be destashing all year long. Also, if you don’t have a blog but still want to join, leave me a comment or shoot me an email. I’ll add your name to the list. Feel free to add pictures of your finished destash-along projects on our Flickr group.


  1. You can count me on for your Destash-Along! Thanks to your blog tutorials and the online help site I found for Bloggers, I'm going to start by decluttering my blog appearance (Adding header buttons in the next week – It's a start).

    I also have a sinful amount of fabrics, fibers and ephemera that need to be used before I can purchase more, so I'm on-board for this! Thanks for hosting (and for the help you give to other novice bloggers to make them better). I'll blog about it and my post will go up at midnight tonight.

    Happy New Year – New You to US!!

  2. You can count me on for your Destash-Along! Thanks to your blog tutorials and the online help site I found for Bloggers, I'm going to start by decluttering my blog appearance (Adding header buttons in the next week – It's a start).

    I also have a sinful amount of fabrics, fibers and ephemera that need to be used before I can purchase more, so I'm on-board for this! Thanks for hosting (and for the help you give to other novice bloggers to make them better). I'll blog about it and my post will go up at midnight tonight.

    Happy New Year – New You to US!!

  3. I'm in! But I don't have a blog to show progress. My first projects are blankets for my son and husband using felted wool sweaters I accumulated in the last year or two.


  4. I'm in! But I don't have a blog to show progress. My first projects are blankets for my son and husband using felted wool sweaters I accumulated in the last year or two.


  5. Sign me up too! I have waaaayyyyy too much stuff. My motto is "use what I own" although I haven't had much luck sticking to it so far. However, I totally want to stop spending money on new things, so this is the right motivation.
    Sharon 🙂

  6. Oh yes, I'm in too!!! I have a list posted on my blog, but joining in with you, will really help keep me accountable. I need this.

    Thanks so much,
    Found you from Brywood Needleworks, which I found from Cranberry Cottage. One never knows what one will find when they go visiting;-)

  7. Oh yes, I'm in too!!! I have a list posted on my blog, but joining in with you, will really help keep me accountable. I need this.

    Thanks so much,
    Found you from Brywood Needleworks, which I found from Cranberry Cottage. One never knows what one will find when they go visiting;-)

  8. I love this concept! I am always stocking up on supplies, and they are starting to clog up the creative process! I'm joyfully in, sign me up please:)

    Found you through Yarni Gras too! Would love to start apron swapping but find all the rules quite intimidating! This might be a great way to dip my toe in the water:) First up on my list, since the holidays are over, a beautiful Puff Stitch crochet hat for me! Thanks again!

  9. I love this concept! I am always stocking up on supplies, and they are starting to clog up the creative process! I'm joyfully in, sign me up please:)

    Found you through Yarni Gras too! Would love to start apron swapping but find all the rules quite intimidating! This might be a great way to dip my toe in the water:) First up on my list, since the holidays are over, a beautiful Puff Stitch crochet hat for me! Thanks again!

  10. Count me in! I will be working on an apron for a swap hosted by Yarni Gras first and then some quilts. I just might join you in crocheting a ripple afghan too. 🙂

  11. Count me in! I will be working on an apron for a swap hosted by Yarni Gras first and then some quilts. I just might join you in crocheting a ripple afghan too. 🙂

  12. This is such a cool idea! I kinda had this in mind for this year already…count me in. I've already got a few things started, this may motivate me even more. My goal is to create all of this coming years crafts with the stuff I have on hand.

  13. I'm in, too! I did pretty good last year about not buying craft supplies/fabric, but this year I want to do better about challenging myself to use up what I have.
    Thanks for the "support group" 🙂

  14. I'm in, too! I did pretty good last year about not buying craft supplies/fabric, but this year I want to do better about challenging myself to use up what I have.
    Thanks for the "support group" 🙂

  15. Oooh, I want in! I have been trying to use stuff from my stash anyway for things (scrapbooking seems to be the only thing I'm not good at sticking to the stash to…) and would love to partake in the destash along. Here's to crafting in 2010!

  16. Oooh, I want in! I have been trying to use stuff from my stash anyway for things (scrapbooking seems to be the only thing I'm not good at sticking to the stash to…) and would love to partake in the destash along. Here's to crafting in 2010!

  17. Oh yeah, my first project will be a few aprons for friends!

    And my word verification for this post is "Failess." I like it – Fail less!

  18. Oh yeah, my first project will be a few aprons for friends!

    And my word verification for this post is "Failess." I like it – Fail less!

  19. So in! Lordy have mercy! I have fabric, ribbons, yarns, jewelry pieces and parts and more to use up!! This is gonna be fun!

    Off to blog about it!

  20. So in! Lordy have mercy! I have fabric, ribbons, yarns, jewelry pieces and parts and more to use up!! This is gonna be fun!

    Off to blog about it!

  21. I have no idea how I landed here – I just kept following links but I am in for the destash along. I will be snagging the button and adding it. I have done similar stuff at my place but not hosting anything this year.

    God knows I need to do lots and lots of this.

  22. Count me in! I recently moved across the state and moved 5 huge boxes of fabric. I'm now 3 hours from a fabric store, so I need to use my stash instead of ordering online every time I see a special 🙂 Thanks for the button and reminder to use my existing resources! http://mamalusco.blogspot.com

  23. Wow! Great Idea! I was just flipping through the new Ikea catalog to come up with some storage ideas for all my fabric, patterns, yarn, trims, thread, etc. Maybe de-stashing is a better plan! Count me in!

  24. Please count me in as well…. This year I will be de-stashing and down sizing. I vow to stick to 4 main craft mediums and not a bunch!
    Great idea! Count me in please!

  25. Please count me in as well…. This year I will be de-stashing and down sizing. I vow to stick to 4 main craft mediums and not a bunch!
    Great idea! Count me in please!

  26. Can I join in??? I've already started a few projects with stash only – mostly quilting and sewing projects, but also some knitting & yarn crafts.

  27. Can I join in??? I've already started a few projects with stash only – mostly quilting and sewing projects, but also some knitting & yarn crafts.

  28. I had already decided to spend 2010destashing my vast collection of kits and materials so I am very pleased to find your blog. Please count me in.

  29. I had already decided to spend 2010destashing my vast collection of kits and materials so I am very pleased to find your blog. Please count me in.

  30. Hi – what a fabulous blog. I don't have a blog but maybe one day. I had decided to desatsh, so finding this blog is fab. Firstly I am also going to make a blanket from old hand knits, a grandma's garden quilt from scraps, then…… Shame I have to work, it takes up way too much time.

  31. Hi – what a fabulous blog. I don't have a blog but maybe one day. I had decided to desatsh, so finding this blog is fab. Firstly I am also going to make a blanket from old hand knits, a grandma's garden quilt from scraps, then…… Shame I have to work, it takes up way too much time.

  32. Is it too late to join in?? I have a stash of my own and my toddler has his own stash that we should use up… i have so many project ideas that i gather bits and pieces for … this would help finish those up!

  33. Is it too late to join in?? I have a stash of my own and my toddler has his own stash that we should use up… i have so many project ideas that i gather bits and pieces for … this would help finish those up!

  34. I have the debt of a small foreign country in "stuff" that I never seem to get around to …hopefully, this will not only inspire me, but feed some low burning creative fires!

  35. I have the debt of a small foreign country in "stuff" that I never seem to get around to …hopefully, this will not only inspire me, but feed some low burning creative fires!

  36. Count me in! That is exactly what I've been trying to do is work only with my stash of fabric and yarn!
    Thanks for hosting this!

  37. Count me in! That is exactly what I've been trying to do is work only with my stash of fabric and yarn!
    Thanks for hosting this!

  38. I am still destashing, having made another quilt for orphans, an apron for a swap (I slipped off the wagon here…but who has pin-up fabric in their stash?)it was reversible and the back side was out of my stash. Have had monthly giveaways giving away large envelopes of my stash and destashing old patterns, notions and quilt books. Thanks for the inspiration!

  39. I am still destashing, having made another quilt for orphans, an apron for a swap (I slipped off the wagon here…but who has pin-up fabric in their stash?)it was reversible and the back side was out of my stash. Have had monthly giveaways giving away large envelopes of my stash and destashing old patterns, notions and quilt books. Thanks for the inspiration!

  40. Just found your wonderful blog! I am in desperate need of de-stashing, and I have so many projects in mind. Can I still join your group? It will give me motivation to organize my time to sew more. 🙂

  41. Just found your wonderful blog! I am in desperate need of de-stashing, and I have so many projects in mind. Can I still join your group? It will give me motivation to organize my time to sew more. 🙂

  42. I am in need of this challenge, please add me in. I do mostly all crafts so I am going to stick to this. Thanks for the inspiration

  43. I am in need of this challenge, please add me in. I do mostly all crafts so I am going to stick to this. Thanks for the inspiration

  44. Oh I would love to be included in the de-stash! I'm making quilts for my kids new beds and I'm trying to use as much stashed fabric as possible! I have tons of jeans in my fabric stash….I'd love to do a denim rag rug!
    Thanks for the inspiration!

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