I love me some music! (Destash-Along Project #7)

I’ve only had my new iPod Touch for a few weeks now, but already it has been bumped, scratched, and flicked off the table by…


I’ve only had my new iPod Touch for a few weeks now, but already it has been bumped, scratched, and flicked off the table by Drusilla. Thank goodness I had Apple put the protective cover on the screen and my hot pink cover on the device.

I still wanted to make a little case for it, so I can take it in my purse and use it in my new car. Here I am with my positive thinking again, praying that I will have a new car soon. In car related news, while I was at home reeling with the flu, I got a call from my car arbitrator telling me that my arbitration date has been set for March 2. Yikes! Please keep me in your prayers that day. I’m doing this solo. Just me against my car dealership/car company. Ugh!
Anyway, I only had a few last minute decorations to add to my iPod case, but then I got sick. So, last night while watching my new favorite show, The Big Bang Theory, (I know I am a little behind the times with my shows) I finally finished it.
Thanks to Molly at A Bit O’ Shine and her cell phone cozy tutorial, I now have my very own iPod cozy.
I wanted to make my cozy the same color as my iPod case, so I chose some hot pink felt that I had bought several months ago at Joann Fabrics. FYI to anyone who uses the cheap, Eco Fi felt found in craft stores, each store carries different color felt. I have found different colors at AC Moore, Michaels, and Joann Fabrics. I think Joann carries the best, but it is also the farthest store from my house. I wish it was closer!
After cutting my two pieces of felt to cover my iPod, I went through my ever growing button stash and picked out three, tiny black buttons. I stitched the buttons on, embroidered the stem, and stitched a felt flag to top the notes off.
I used the top note as the button closure.

I thought that was pretty cool. 🙂

I was also thrilled to finally learn the blanket stitch. I have been so afraid of it for so long, but now it has become my favorite stitch. I might be incorporating this stitch in some new items for my shop.
Speaking of the shop, it is going to remain closed until the summer. I am working on new items and another new name change. The last name really didn’t feel right and the shop didn’t take off like I wanted it to, so I think this is the best time for the change. I think you will really like the new name and banner. It is very appropriate and ties together with my blog very nicely. I think this name will totally stick!
The banner was made by a fellow Etsy seller. I’ll be highlighting her shop and showing off my new banner in a few weeks. Something I’d like to do is showcase more Etsy sellers and items, especially the sellers I purchase from. So, that is something I’ll be working on for the blog.
I’m also thinking of using this blog as both my shop blog and craft blog, so I might be moving some things around before the grand opening of the shop. In addition, I am still working on making all of my tutorials PDFs. I want to take new pictures and make them a lot easier to view. That is in the works too.
So, I have a lot on my plate in the next few months, but I am very excited by it all, except the car arbitration. Double Yikes!!!
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For this destash-along project I used 100% of my stash: pink & black felt, pink & black embroidery thread, and 3 buttons. I need to find more projects using buttons. I have a ton of them!


  1. Hi Missie! Glad you're feeling better! I'm glad you picked up blanket stitch! It's so easy and fun, huh?! And you can use it to make ANYTHING! I know I do! The pouch looks fabulous! Can't wait to see the new-look shop and items and blog revamp! It should be fun to do! And I have the best idea for using up buttons! Have you seen my button brooches? Go to my blog and look back in the archives, I'm not sure where it is exactly, but they're there! You'll love them, they're addictive!
    You've been blogged about too!

  2. Hi Missie! Glad you're feeling better! I'm glad you picked up blanket stitch! It's so easy and fun, huh?! And you can use it to make ANYTHING! I know I do! The pouch looks fabulous! Can't wait to see the new-look shop and items and blog revamp! It should be fun to do! And I have the best idea for using up buttons! Have you seen my button brooches? Go to my blog and look back in the archives, I'm not sure where it is exactly, but they're there! You'll love them, they're addictive!
    You've been blogged about too!

  3. Missie, the i-pod case is adorable. Glad you are on the good side of the flu too. I must have missed it when you blogged about your car situation but dang I hope it goes well for you.

  4. Missie, the i-pod case is adorable. Glad you are on the good side of the flu too. I must have missed it when you blogged about your car situation but dang I hope it goes well for you.

  5. LOVE those music notes made with buttons! The case looks fabulous, I love all that hot pink.

    That's weird…I went to visit a friend today and she was just telling me about The Big Bang Theory. I haven't seen it but she's trying to get me to watch it. 😉

  6. LOVE those music notes made with buttons! The case looks fabulous, I love all that hot pink.

    That's weird…I went to visit a friend today and she was just telling me about The Big Bang Theory. I haven't seen it but she's trying to get me to watch it. 😉

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