A little paper goodie

I had a great time reading everyone’s blogs and found a ton of patterns and tutorials that have been added to my to-do list. If…


I had a great time reading everyone’s blogs and found a ton of patterns and tutorials that have been added to my to-do list. If there were only more hours in the day. . .
This is the first blogging friends project I completed. I just wish this picture had come out better and brighter, because this banner is the cutest thing ever. Plus, it matches my pink kitchen perfectly!
I found the free download on Tricia-Rennea Art. Tricia has a ton of totally cute and completely free downloads for you to enjoy.
This little project was super simple. I just downloaded the pattern, cut out the 5 triangles, bent the top of the paper over and taped it, ran a piece of twine through each triangle, and tied each end to my curtain rod. Piece of cake!
Thanks for the adorable paper craft, Tricia!


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