March is National Craft Month

As you are reading this post I am off fighting the big bad car company at my arbitration hearing. I hope my temper and cough…

As you are reading this post I am off fighting the big bad car company at my arbitration hearing. I hope my temper and cough are under control! 🙂
Did you know that March is National Craft Month? I didn’t, but how cool is that?!
Since February was a complete bust as far as my crafting goes, because I was so sick, the majority of the month of March is going to be spent crafting, primarily on my sweater. Yes, the sweater that I was supposed to have started in January, but only has the foundation chain started. Yikes! I figure I’ll just have to focus all of my craft time on this project and I should be okay.
But then I found a really cool CAL going on over at You Go Girl.
I have been wanting to try crochet edging for awhile and this CAL features crochet edging on pillowcases. Plus, I am going to try my hand at machine stitching a pillowcase. I figure a pillowcase might be a pretty easy item to try on my sewing machine. I can’t mess it up too much, right? This fun little project also shouldn’t take too much time away from my crocheted sweater.
The CAL just started yesterday, so if you’d like to join just click the link, here. It sounds like a lot of fun!


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