Granny Along Week #1

Eric: LaPush, baby! You in? Bella: Should I know what that means? . . . . . . . . . . . Sure you…

Eric: LaPush, baby! You in?

Bella: Should I know what that means?

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Sure you should, Bella. It means it is the first week of our granny along. Are you ready?!! Well, let’s jump right in.

Week 1 tasks: tell which pattern you chose: La Push Blanket or DROPS Blanket; who you are making the pattern for and why; and review your chosen pattern for questions or potential problem areas.
Extra task: post a picture of your supplies

Of course you can begin making your granny squares if you are so inclined, but I thought it would be nice to see which pattern everyone chose before we begin crocheting.

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As you know, I have chosen the La Push Blanket, though I am currently rethinking my choice. I took a look at the pattern this weekend and am completely stumped on the second row. I am going to look at it again tonight and hope that I was just tired. If not, it is going to be a long 2 months. 🙂
I am making the blanket for myself to get some granny square practice. I have a very interesting home decor granny square project that I want to get started on, but I have never attempted granny squares before. This is the purpose of this granny along!
Drusilla is keeping an eye on all of my La Push Blanket supplies, or maybe she’s just waiting for me to turn my back so she can gnaw on some yarn. 🙂 I have a ton more white yarn, but I thought three skeins was good for now. I am a little concerned about the green. I just hope I don’t need to buy another gigantic green skein.
How do you like my new snazzy reading glasses?

I’ve been having problems seeing really close lately, so my doctor suggested reading glasses. I got the lowest grade I could find at Michaels for $2.00! I thought they looked like a crafter’s reading glasses. The pair I got for work cost me $25.00, but they are a lot more subdued.
Okay, so now it is your turn. If you are planning on blogging about the granny along, just post a link to your Week 1 post in the comment section. Or, you can just answer the questions in the comment section. Whatever works for you works for me!
This weekend I finally got around to making a granny along button too.

Crafting with Cat Hair

Feel free to post it on your blog or your posts.
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Update: 5/4/10 – Thanks to Megan’s suggestion of adding a linky tool, below is a place to link your week 1 post. I’ll be sure to add a linky tool each week so we can view everyone’s progress.
Also, thanks to Rachel at One Pretty Thing for posting about the granny along!
Update: 5/5/10 – The La Push Blanket’s pattern has been updated. Please download the updated free pattern if you downloaded it before 5/4/10.


  1. I think I am going to join you over at crocheteverday. I will go purchase my supplies today! Thanks for doing this Missie!

    And I loved the post about your house — it is adorable!

  2. I think I am going to join you over at crocheteverday. I will go purchase my supplies today! Thanks for doing this Missie!

    And I loved the post about your house — it is adorable!

  3. I had every intention of doing the La Push blanket even though I kind of don't like the look of it. I figured I must know SOMEONE who loves Twilight and I could give it to them. Nope. Not a single fan in my circle as far as I can tell. Thus, I'm going with drops.

    What was your question on row 2 of La Push though? Maybe someone who's more familiar with grannies can help before you get frustrated!

  4. I had every intention of doing the La Push blanket even though I kind of don't like the look of it. I figured I must know SOMEONE who loves Twilight and I could give it to them. Nope. Not a single fan in my circle as far as I can tell. Thus, I'm going with drops.

    What was your question on row 2 of La Push though? Maybe someone who's more familiar with grannies can help before you get frustrated!

  5. I've purchased yarn for two grannies….one in yellow and brown, the other 'cowboy' colors. The yellow is for my daughters upcoming wedding – she loves sunflowers. The other is for my sister, also a wedding gift.

    While I've had the yarn for over a month, I hadn't picked out a pattern until now. I'll be going with the drops.

    I've never finished a crochet project before and I'm a real newbie….found you at ~ perfect time for some motivation.

  6. Lia – I figured some people wouldn't want to make the Twilight blanket, which is why I wanted to add a second pattern choice. The DROPS will be great!

    Megan – Thanks for joining in and all of your help. I might be asking for more of it if I am still stumped on this pattern. 🙂

    Rachel – Thanks for posting on One Pretty Thing!!!

    Stacy – Welcome! I'm a newbie granny squarer (is that a word?) too. I have trouble finishing large projects, so we can motivate each other. 🙂

  7. Lia – I figured some people wouldn't want to make the Twilight blanket, which is why I wanted to add a second pattern choice. The DROPS will be great!

    Megan – Thanks for joining in and all of your help. I might be asking for more of it if I am still stumped on this pattern. 🙂

    Rachel – Thanks for posting on One Pretty Thing!!!

    Stacy – Welcome! I'm a newbie granny squarer (is that a word?) too. I have trouble finishing large projects, so we can motivate each other. 🙂

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