Spring bunting

Though I’m spending the majority of my time working on the website design for my shop, it is finally starting to come together and look…


Though I’m spending the majority of my time working on the website design for my shop, it is finally starting to come together and look like a professional website, Hallelujah!, I am also trying to work on as many craft items as I can. But, the website design has become very time consuming.

I did get a few minutes the other night, while watching Winter Wipeout, to whip up this little crocheted bunting.

Last year I wanted to add some bunting or garland to my mantle, but never got around to it. So last week, when I put up my spring decorations, yes I know it is still January, but I don’t have any decorations to transition from winter to spring, I decided to go ahead and make my bunting right away. Plus, I noticed that this week’s Iron Craft project was bunting. Perfect Timing!

It was really super simple. I just crocheted blue and green circles and then attached them to a white crocheted strand of yarn. Piece of cake! I made a second smaller strand for the other side of my mantle, because my mantle is such a funky shape.

Ta Da! Now we’re all set for spring.


  1. Hey gal, are you doing anything for national crochet month, when is that?

    But I do know national crochet week and day are coming up in May.

  2. Hey gal, are you doing anything for national crochet month, when is that?

    But I do know national crochet week and day are coming up in May.

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