My mind is all over the place!

There is so much going on with me lately. I feel like I am being pulled in so many different directions. Unfortunately, I am not…


There is so much going on with me lately. I feel like I am being pulled in so many different directions. Unfortunately, I am not one to handle stress very well. My mind goes all over the place and I get totally frazzled, but at least I have my craft time to keep me calm(er)!

I haven’t been spending nearly as much time crafting as I’d like to, but sometimes that happens. I’ve actually gotten back to writing my novel, which I started way back in college. I have set myself a deadline of December 31 for the entire book to be complete. That might sound like a long time, nine months, but it is not! I even added a countdown on the right sidebar of my blog to keep me on track, though every time I look at it I get freaked out. That little countdown might not be such a good idea after all. 🙂

I did get a little craft work done. I completed my week 11 Iron Craft Challenge project.

This week’s challenge was titled Easy Bein’ Green. We were to craft something the color green, not environmentally green. I chose to take a crack at a new jewelry project I’ve been thinking about for some time. . . a sweet spool necklace with green thread.

I am so pleased with the way it turned out that I’ll be adding a few of these to the shop, possible sooner than later! I’m contemplating opening my Etsy shop a little early. but we’ll see. And how do you like my new “fabric neck”? I got it at Michaels for $3.00 (of course I had a coupon)! I just love a good bargain.


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