
I’ll be baking this whole weekend. No, not the good stuff, but felt and yarn sweets. I need to get some Etsy items ready for the…


I’ll be baking this whole weekend. No, not the good stuff, but felt and yarn sweets. I need to get some Etsy items ready for the holiday rush and figure this is the perfect weekend to do it.

My “Heart Shaped Cookies” seem to be the big sellers in my shop. Of course, they are also the most time consuming of all of my cookies, but they are fun to make. 
Apparently, since they are such a big seller, another member of Etsy has made a set of her own after purchasing a set from me. Oooh! I am not happy about it, but according to Etsy we have to duke it out ourselves or get lawyers involved. I don’t want to do that, so I have decided to keep an eye on her store. Any other of my items go in there and she’ll have some explaining to do!
I’ll be working on a couple of new fall related food items and some Christmas cookies too. I’m also planning on working on a pretty large and involved, but really cute shop item. I can’t give away too much, but it is something the Queen of Hearts might like! 
I really hope to get it in the shop before Christmas, but we’ll see how it goes. With my Christmas presents and all of my other crafts hanging in the balance who knows when I’ll get this stuff done. Many of my handmade Christmas presents are listed under my “works in progress” button, so you can see I have a long way to go.
Also, next week starts the Bloggy Carnival Contest. I probably won’t be posting much next week, but if I do look for the posts after Monday’s giveaway post. I am going to keep my giveaway post at the top of the blog all week so people can find it.
Now, off to baking!


  1. wow sweet is right thay are realy nice and well i love to try and have some i think thay are realy cute not olny that but thay look so real. so please enter me in to your give away thanks

  2. wow sweet is right thay are realy nice and well i love to try and have some i think thay are realy cute not olny that but thay look so real. so please enter me in to your give away thanks

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