Learn a New Craft for National Craft Month

Today starts the countdown for spring. It also starts a month long celebration of everything crafty! Yay crafty people! March is National Craft Month and…

Today starts the countdown for spring. It also starts a month long celebration of everything crafty! Yay crafty people! March is National Craft Month and that is something I definitely enjoy celebrating.
I am challenging myself to learn to knit this year, and March just might be the perfect month to start. This is a pretty big challenge since I have tried to learn three times before, even taking a two week class a couple of years ago. I am just knitting impaired. 
How about you? Why not learn to knit or crochet this month? There it is! I’ve thrown down the gauntlet. Let’s all learn a fiber craft in March. Are you in? Here are a few websites for you to check out to learn knitting and crocheting online:
Craftsy has been around for several years and offers different classes in various crafts. Among the courses are sewing, photography, cake decorating, and a beginner knitting class and a beginner crochet class. I took a crochet class last year and it was very well organized and the instructor was great. The classes also include a few free patterns to work on throughout the tutorials. The classes are not free, but they usually offer a discount throughout the year. Just keep an eye on the classes you want to take. And if you open up a free account and put the classes you want in your “wish list” folder they will email you when they go on sale.
I thought Creativelive was a newer website to watch tutorials, but it has been around for several years too. Creativelive offers a lot of variety in videos and classes, which is really nice. The downside is some of the classes can be quite pricey, although they do offer a few free classes. But all of their classes are top notch. I watched Monetize Your Craft a few weeks ago and was blown away by how professional and informative it was. They also offer a discount if you buy more than one class. When I purchased Vickie Howell’s Knit Maker 101 class I got Knit Maker 102 for a fraction of the cost. I love a good deal! Vickie also has a Crochet Maker 101 and 102 class, which look great. If you sign up for the crochet classes let me know how they are. I’m contemplating signing up for Crochet Maker 102 to learn how to cable. I really want to learn that.
The spot to watch craft tutorials for free! That is really the selling point for YouTube. You don’t have to pay to watch anything. The downside is you really have to search for the videos you want to watch. But, there are some great craft tutorials out there. Some of the designers (Vickie Howell and The Crochet Crowd) and the yarn companies (Lion Brand Yarn and Yarnspirations) have their own channels, so I’d start there. The KnitWitch is another great one to watch. 

Well, there you have it! Let’s all raise our hooks and needles and get crafting!!!